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Annual Law Enforcement Assistance Connection (LEAC) Event Features VIPs, Raises Funds for National Law Enforcement Museum

On November 8th, 2005, the Law Enforcement Assistance Connection Inc, (LEAC) and its Executive Director Mr. Terry L. Hunt, Jr. hosted a fundraising event in support of the National Law Enforcement Museum. The event, at Michael’s Café in Baltimore County, Maryland, raised more than $6,000 for the Museum, and demonstrated ordinary citizens’ commitment to making the Museum a reality.

More than 150 people attended the event, including Senator James Brochin of Maryland, Delaware Homeland Security and Public Safety Secretary David Mitchell, and Chief Donald De Lucca of the Miami Beach (Florida) Police Department and staff from the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund (NLEOMF).

2005 “Top Cop” awardee Detective Jennifer Fulford of the Orange County (Florida) Sheriffs Office and John Walsh, host of “America’s Most Wanted,” delivered special remarks. In his concluding remarks, Mr. Hunt said, “I have never been more pleased to do my part to help build the National Law Enforcement Museum.

“Becoming a sworn police officer was always my dream, and although I have a disability which leaves me wheelchair bound, I’ve been able to transform this disability into a source of motivation. I’m honored to give back the support and services which the law enforcement community has unselfishly given to me, my family, and my community.”

The son of a retired Detective Sergeant, Mr. Hunt has consistently advocated for stronger, more collaborative and supportive relationships between law enforcement, the public, and the business community. Since establishing the LEAC, a non-profit organization that creates and sustains these relationships while supporting the NLEOMF, Mr. Hunt has received numerous awards for his local and national efforts to keep law enforcement officers safe.

“Our chief endeavor is sponsoring an annual benefit for the NLEOMF,” said Mr. Hunt, adding, “By gathering politicians, law enforcement officers, corporate sponsors, professional groups, and concerned citizens, the LEAC helps to ensure our nation’s law enforcement officers get the respect and recognition they deserve.”

“The LEAC is a great example of what committed citizens are doing throughout the nation to help build the Museum,” said NLEOMF Chairman Craig W. Floyd. “Few citizens are more committed than Terry, who has for years supported the Memorial. He understands why it’s essential to have a national Museum that tells the complete story of law enforcement in America, and we’re grateful to include him in the increasing group of Museum supporters.”

American Police Beat (1/06)


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